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Clapham Manor Primary School & Nursery

Growing Brighter Futures

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Welcome to Clapham Manor Primary School PTA! 


My name is Kate Hunt and I'm currently head up the Friends of Clapham Manor Primary School (PTA). This is a separate entity to the school and is run by volunteers. We are a registered charity (Charity number: 1106502) and all parents and carers of pupils at the school are automatically members and very welcome. The PTA raises money via fundraising events, and we aim to deliver a varied timetable of events that is inclusive and diverse. This supports community understanding and development of culture and religious differences, as well as catering to different community interests.  


The money raised from these events goes directly to benefit the pupils by paying for resources and outings that support and enrich their education; we also use the funds to support larger projects within the school, to support the sustainability of the educational experiences that are on offer. Last year’s funds were used to purchase new playground equipment that the children can use at playtime, we also repaired the PTA Shed Roof and doors to support our sustainability. A large amount of the remaining funds was then set aside to support the planned infant and junior playground renovations. 


I look forward to seeing you around the school grounds and PTA events. 


Thank you for taking the time to visit our page, we look forward to volunteering alongside you to support the charity. 


Please see the headings below for more information. 


Who are the PTA (link attached PDF)

Description of PTA Roles (link attached PDF)

Communication with the PTA (link attached PDF)