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Year 5

Year 5 Staff



Hello and welcome to Year 5!


We are so excited about this year as we start to prepare children for SATs and life beyond Clapham Manor Primary School. While sequential and progressive learning will continue to take place across the curriculum, children will be pushed to think even more critically – connecting both past and present learning; drawing ideas to form opinions and generate interesting debates.  


Here are just a few of the wonderful things pupils will be learning over the year:


  • Discovering the history of the Benin civilizations 
  • Learning about how Earth’s movements in space impacts our lives
  • Delving into the impact the Ancient Greeks have had on modern life
  • Building an understanding of the people around us and how to respect them


By the end of Year 5, we are confident your child will have had an enriching experience which has built on their understanding of key topics and personally developed them as individuals.


Below is further information that we think parents may find useful but please don’t hesitate to speak to us directly if you would like further details on anything.




  • PE is on a Monday and Thursday. Children must wear their school PE kit on the days they are having PE lessons. Please remember to take earrings out on these days and long hair must be tied back.  


  • Every Thursday morning / afternoon, children will be taught by our specialist PE coaches (Coach Nathan and Coach Simmeon) and by our wonderful Head of Music - Mr Mather.


Home Learning:


Year Group

NumBots & TTRS

(Times Tables Rockstars)


(School Reading Book)


(Set by Year Group)



When possible




10 minutes / day


Years 1 and 2

10 minutes / day

10 minutes / day

30 minutes / week

Years 3 and 4

10 minutes / day

15 minutes / day

30 minutes / week

Years 5 and 6 

10 minutes / day

20 minutes / day

30 minutes / week


In addition to the Daily Fluency Practice, weekly Home Learning is set on a Friday and collected the following Thursday. Pupils will use Collins Practice Workbooks for English and Maths where they will be set one task that will be linked to their class learning. It is important that children only complete activities that are set for that week by the teacher.

Optional ‘Half Termly Projects’ are also set where we encourage children to make one project relating to a topic they are being taught over that half term.



In Year 5, we are hoping to book the following experiences over the year. Information will be communicated to parents nearer the time once bookings are confirmed. Parent confirmations and payments must be made via Arbor.

  • Autumn: Horniman Museum 
  • Spring: Mosque visit and local trip to Elms Academy production
  • Summer: Greenwich Royal Observatory 


Key Dates:

We are looking forward to providing parents with a variety of opportunities to visit the school and speak with teachers over the year. Below are some examples of such events where parents will receive an email closer to the date to confirm exact dates and times. 

  • Class assemblies: 
    • Thunberg: 6/10/23 and 1/3/24 
    • Attenborough 8/12/23 and 9/4/24


  • Parent Evenings:
    • 11th – 12th Oct
    • Jan – (TBC dates)


  • Open Classroom Week:
    • 6th – 9th November
    • 11th – 14th March


  • Events:
    • 2nd Nov: Black Culture Celebration Evening
    • 18th April: Eid Celebration Evening
    • 22nd – 23rd May: Music Extravaganza
    • 4th – 10th: Sports Days

Parent Support: 

We value the offer of support from parents in any way. Parents have supported the school by hearing children read, volunteering in the classroom & for school trips, helping at whole school events, managing the library, and many other fantastic ways. Additionally, parents have offered their time and specialised skills such as decorating corridors with engaging art displays or building structures for plants in the playground. Furthermore, some parents have purchased equipment and resources through their child’s year group ‘Amazon Wish List’, which you can do here:

If you would like to support the school in any way, please contact us or the office and please remember, this is not an expectation of parents / carers to do.