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Clapham Manor Primary School & Nursery

Growing Brighter Futures

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Clapham Manor is an inclusive school and nursery where we believe that all pupils are entitled to a quality provision. We place great importance on the need to ensure that all of our pupils are included equally in opportunities for learning to enable them to achieve their potential.


School and Nursery SENDCO: Ms. Erica Fraser


Contact through the school office:


Telephone: 020 7622 3919



At Clapham Manor Primary School and Nursery we recognise that the quality of teaching within the classroom has the greatest influence over children’s progress. We therefore invest in training, resources and monitoring to ensure our classrooms are an inclusive place for all children. We use the Graduated Approach to identify children who may benefit from additional targeted support.


Additional interventions are planned to enable children to accelerate their progress and work at, or above the expectations for their age. These are generally taught in a small group and are reviewed every 10 weeks.


A child identified as having SEND may also receive ‘Specialist’ interventions. These may be provided individually or in a small group, and the support provided is personalised to enable the child to achieve his/her potential. This support is additional to or different from the everyday curriculum for that class and is detailed in a tailored Learning Plan. This plan is prepared by the SENDCo and class teacher and is reviewed termly. It may also include provision and/or advice from an external agency or professional, such as a Speech and Language therapist. Please take a look at our Provision Map for further information.

For further information about local support and services for children and young people with special educational needs and disability please refer to the Lambeth Local Offer.